Friday, October 22, 2010

Everyone thinks its so god dammed easy. They think it's like telling people you like cheese-only pizza or you like the color blue. No. It's more like telling people you like the color pink in a really gay way. So gay as a matter or fact, that you might as well not say "I like pink" and say "I'm gay" instead. Something like that. Its not that easy. Coming out of the closet is a lot like jumping off a platform. You dont know how long it's going to take you to hit the bottom and you never know what at the bottom. It could be full of soft bunnies or it could be full of fire. Who knows. And its not like you just jump off once. You keep jumping off and you continue to not know what at the bottom. You can kind of see whats at the bottom depending on the person, but you can definitely see whats up here on top of the bridge, where its hell. But safe.

I might just say up here for a while.

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