Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Training Wheels

Embrace yourself for another typical teenager-y post.
I'm going into my senior year. This is my last summer vacation of high school. I guess I just need a moment to let that set in. For others, this is almost the end of their education. I'm... worried. Scared. As usual. But it's kind of like when you're waiting in line for a roller coaster, and with every day, the line moves forward, and I get closer. But I guess that's not a fair comparison. I don't really expect the rest of my life to burn bright and die fast; quite the opposite, actually. I kind of think my life is going to drag on... that it's going to be boring, and my current mentality towards it only confirms it. I'm... worried. Even after talking to Ferson, I still can't help but be so... so frightened.
I have one year of highschool left. Well, less than a year. Is the rest of my life going to be like this? Or will it all change in a year? What am I waiting for? What am I going to do?

I fear the day someone rips the safety from under my feet.

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