Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random Post #5

Someone asked me to write a little something about my "life story." Here is a horribly written version.

"I guess I should start with telling you what I think I am. Well, at least what other people have told me. I'm confident and smart. But I guess that's the problem. I come off as confident when I actually really...really... really hate myself. I'd be lying if I didn't say that a large reason for this self-loathing is due to being gay, but there are other factors too. Being gay (at least for me) has influenced a skewed perspective on society. I guess that's where my second "trait" becomes moderately relevant. People think I'm smart, but in reality, I just question what most people turn a blind eye to. Social norms and such have always puzzled me, keeping me at arms-length from where most of society is. I suppose being gay only loosens what little grasp on normality I had. Universal advice says that I shouldn't be ashamed of being gay, but when it comes to something that is so seemingly -insert another word for "wrong"-, advice just becomes a bunch of meaningless words. And even when I do try to heed any advice, I end up trying to convince myself that it's all true, but I honestly don't believe any of it is. I suppose this is just another story of some closeted gay kid who's socially awkward. By the way, sorry this is so long and boring (that's what he said.) not to mention horribly written. And I mustered up what little confidence I had to not post this as anon. I mean, "nothing to lose" right?"

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