Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I hate hate hate hate those girls who try to be cute. The first thing that came to mind was when she would say "waz-bewwy." Like, shut up! You're not an 8 year old. And when ever she makes that face when she doesnt get what she wants. It's one of those aggravating faces that attention whores make.
That too. She's an attention whore. Not everyone wants to cater to your needs. Not everyone wants to go out of their way to help YOU. YOU can walk over and get the help, or you can just sit there and wave your hand at me.
Also,(I'm sure half of these insults can be used against me too) she's a moody bitch. If I'm going to use a vocab word, her moods are so volatile and ever-changing.
Also, she says herself that she's dependent on others. Which is pretty sad. Right now, we're doing this TOK project on a class of our liking, and I'm sure if she had no idea what Jada was going to do, she probably wouldn't have chosen the same thing as Jada. Then she would have changed her topic to something so that she could work with Jada.
Also, she only laughs to fit in.
That's pretty pathetic to me.
But I guess I can't say everything's bad about her. She has certain moments where it's not all resentment. You know, I just cant think of any right now.

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