Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I'm not sure what's the point of this blog. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to put all my thoughts down so I'm slightly less insane. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to read this a few years from now and reflect. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to share this blog with someone like me a few years from now like what it said men do in The Catcher in the Rye. I'm not sure if it's suppose to be all of them. I'm not really sure.

But if it is, I feel like I should talk about Austin. I'll just put it out there. I kind of hate him. Perhaps "hate" is a strong word, but I dislike him. Tiffany tells me of how he was so perfect on paper. She tells me that he's pretty much everything she's ever wanted, but i kind of think he's a jerk. I guess you could say that the only reason that i say that is because I'm jealous. Sure, i may literally take a back seat when it comes to him, but that's beside the point since I didnt really like him even before meeting him. He seems like one of those people who are overly sappy and I hated that about myself a few years ago. It was so childish. Also, he seems like an uptight pansy. He's one of those people who dont like listening to loud music. Jesus Christ, do something exciting with your life sometimes. Sure i may sound like a huge hypocrite since my life is as boring as can be, but his life just seems so uptight. He freaking wears a suit everywhere. I dont know, i guess that's just my impression of him now. Tiffany seems to like him, so I dont really want to say this to her. Not yet at least. She told me that she didn't tell me that Jasmine seemed like a bitch until recently because she knew that i "liked" her. I guess i can only do the same? Or is it wrong for me not to tell her? Or does my opinion even matter?

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